Thursday, May 21, 2020

Keeping The Security Of Health Record Information Secure

To keep the security of health record information secure has concerns of breach exist. Meaning unauthorized users tend to get the information without the knowledge of who is looking into it, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the interest of the patient and to understand the importance of confidentiality in health records information. The way HIPAA is changing will give physicians and hospitals new rules that could require them to keep track of the instances in which patient’s health information is shared with third parties for reasons including treatment and managing payments. It will also provide critical consumer protection. Not only will the rules create a substantial burden for physician practices and hospital to establish new capabilities to enhance privacy in a meaningful way. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) who works with HIPAA feels to expand the rule. The proposed rule would create not one, but two patients’ rights. One right would be to a full accounting disclosures, including details about the date, time, and caregivers involved in making each disclosure. Most providers will lack a system that does this and would have to compile this information manually. The other rights would be a less detailed access report that summarizes who has access to a patient’s information. 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Ozair, Nayer Jamshed,1 Amit Sharma,2 and Praveen Aggarwal1 Author information ââ€" º Copyright and License information ââ€" º Go to: Abstract Electronic health record (EHR) is increasinglyRead MoreAssignment 307 Understand How To Handle Information In Social Care Settings 1 Copy724 Words   |  3 Pageshow to handle information in social care settings Task A Short answer questions Ai Identify four key pieces of Legislation and Codes of Practice relating to handling information in social care settings. †¢ Data Protection Act 1998 †¢ Health and Social Care Act 2000 †¢ Employees Policies and Procedures †¢ Freedom of Information Act 2000 Aii Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice affect the day to day work of a social care worker in relation to handling information. Confidentiality

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Individuals Always Consciously or Unconsciously...

Communication is a complex word with infinite meanings. The textbook defines communication as a process by which people in relationships, groups, communities, and more develop and apply information to relate to the surroundings and to each other. Individuals are always communicating, whether it be consciously or unconsciously. Communication involves reacting to and constructing messages and converting them into information that is relevant and useful (Ruben Stewart, 2006). Because we can create and understand messages, we can interact with our environment and each other. Examples of messages can be a smile, letter, advertisement, yawn, and more. Our class contributed that communication is a means of expressing information through the†¦show more content†¦It is highly important to study communication because studying communication can improve self-knowledge and how you perceive the world. Studying communication can develop how we view people because communication is how we meet others, develop, and manage relationships and work effectively with others. Studying communication can amplify our understanding of relationships. Studying communication can also develop imperative life skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, team building, public speaking and more. Studying communication can also help you in careers. Creating strong verbal and written messages, working well with others, analyzing, and solving problems are what employers look for. All of our hopes and ideas are changed to social realities through symbols called words, which are created in the process of communication to construct meaning. All that we are now and will become depends on our capability to communicate. Communication is at the center of everything, allowing us to explore and learn about other cultures, support social ties, build business and personal relationships, and exchange information (Bolden, 2014). Good communication is crucial in our lives, from messages we have with family and friends to creating effective, supportive workplaces. Effective communication is also important for innovation and progress. It is fundamental to study its means so that we can better understand its innerShow MoreRelatedMaslow s Explanation Of Religion And Knowledge Essay1383 Words   |  6 Pagesof a community do, consciously or unconsciously, that allow these hierarchies to live on and continue putting people in an order, separate them and teach them. An example w ould be an athlete. The athlete choses to be a part of competitive athletics and therefore, choses to abide by NCAA rules. 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Report on Intelligence and link to Gender Free Essays

string(89) " make with the ability to retrieve things by looking at objects and retrieving them \) \." In my study I am traveling to speak about intelligence: specifying the word intelligence, IQ proving and theoreticians work on intelligence, if there is any grounds linked with gender differences in intelligence. I will include possible factors that may impact gender differences in intelligence for case environmental and biological factors. The methods I will utilize to acquire grounds for this study are as follows ; I will utilize books on what theoreticians findings are on this topic, use the cyberspace and diaries. We will write a custom essay sample on Report on Intelligence and link to Gender or any similar topic only for you Order Now The intent of this survey is to happen out, if there are any possible differences between gender, and associating this to intelligence. Encarta dictionary definition of intelligence ‘is the ability to larn facts and accomplishments and use them ‘ . Deary ‘s ( 2001, p.17 ) definition of intelligence ‘is a really general mental capableness that, among other things, involves the ability to ground, program, work out jobs, think abstractly, comprehend complex thoughts, learn rapidly and larn from experience ‘ . Galton ‘s familial mastermind is to make with the different degrees of intelligence measured by familial factors. Galton thought that higher intelligence was being passed down to kids. Day, Macaskill, A ; Maltby ( 2007 p.258 ) province that ‘intelligent people show the ability to react to the big scope of information gained through their senses ‘ . So the 5 senses of the human organic structure are critical such as odor, gustatory s ensation, hearing, sight and touch because this will find how intelligent a individual may be, if they do non utilize their senses right, the individual will hold less intelligence than those who can for case, a individual does non cognize the difference between Sweet and salty. A babe ‘s gustatory sensation and odor buds are really good because, the babe will cognize when it is clip for dinner by utilizing their odor sense. Babies use gustatory sensation buds good because when my brother was younger he would prefer to eat the sweet nutrient instead than the salt nutrient, it would take him longer to eat the salty nutrient, on the other manus when eating the sweet nutrient it wo n’t take every bit long as the salt nutrient. Cattell ‘s mental trial is to make with mensurating a individual ‘s intelligence through hearing and weight these experiments were carried out utilizing the psychometric theoretical account. Problems with this experiment Chamorro – premuzic ( 2007, p. 67 ) examined this and suggested that ‘ therefore, most of the variables he measured were more â€Å" elemental † than â€Å" mental † , and referred to really basic cognitive procedures that are now known to be related to intelligence ‘ . From this remark you can see that the experiment he did was more on the indispensable side of things such as how good child can hear and non based on mental accomplishments such as numeracy, jobs work outing or literacy. The IQ trial was developed by two Gallic scientists, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, the intent of the trial was to measure kids at school so that stupid kids or kids with behavioral troubles could have equal and appropriate instruction. IQ proving is to make with mensurating your intelligence for illustration comprehension, job resolution and concluding accomplishments. Criticisms of IQ proving are as follows they do non accurately step intelligence, and everyone has different stren gths and failings in different countries of intelligence, such as person could be good at job resolution, but have a failing in concluding accomplishments and another individual could be good at concluding accomplishments and non really good on job resolution. Howard Gardner ( multiple intelligence theory ) he put together eight different intelligence trials which were Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist. Criticism of the Theory like many theories environing intelligence, Gardner ‘s theory of multiple intelligences is controversial and widely criticised. In peculiar, there is uncertainty over his deficiency observed informations – many feel that the 8 ‘intelligences ‘ are merely alternate names for specific endowments or even personality types. Methodology I have used books, the cyberspace and diaries to roll up my informations. This method of researching is called secondary research. Secondary research is the usage of stuff, which has been researched by person else. The different research methods for secondary research are as follows: engineering based and instance surveies. Technology based research is to make with researching from the computing machine to acquire your information, which has a batch of benefits such as the cyberspace provides on-line libraries ; e-books, diaries and encyclopedia. The chief electronic databases I have used for my research were as follows Psycinfo, Psychology A ; Behavioural Sciences Collection and British ED index. The cardinal read was based on, intelligence and gender differences and how the hunt found a figure of diaries, but some were irrelevant, to what I was looking for. You can download information off the Internet but make certain it is copyright free. Search engines aid you through the mass of information on the Internet two most popular hunt engines are yahoo and google etc ; besides on the cyberspace you can seek for newspaper articles. Case surveies published by other research workers can be used as secondary footing of informations. There is a batch of ways you can utilize them such as identify differences and discuss comparings. I did non utilize primary research because this is to make with transporting out your ain research. The different research methods for primary research are interviews, experiments, questionnaires and observations etc. I did n’t utilize this method because I did n’t hold adequate clip to make this if I did I would hold done questionnaires to acquire my findings. Literature reappraisal There has been a batch of work done on intelligence and how this is linked to gender differences. Alan Feingold ( 1988 ) examined sex differences for spelling, verbal logical thinking, numerical ability, spacial relationship and linguistic communication and many more. Another individual who studied this was Larry Hedges and Amy Nowell ( 1995 ) , who looked at reading comprehension, vocabulary, mathematics, scientific discipline and spacial ability ( which is to make with the ability to retrieve things by looking at objects and retrieving them ) . You read "Report on Intelligence and link to Gender" in category "Essay examples" Maccoby and Jacklin ( 1974 ) suggested that work forces on norm do better on trials of spacial ability than adult females do. Supporting this ( Feingold, 1988 ; Hedges A ; Nowell, 1995 ) who have done surveies on spacial trials have proven this hypothesis. In contrast ( Feingold, 1988 ; Hedges A ; Nowell, 1995 ) have similarities in their experiments for illu stration they both tested numeracy accomplishments and literacy accomplishments. On the other manus adult females do better on reading comprehension and vocabulary than work forces do. APA study province that ‘some verbal undertakings show significant average differences favoring females. These include synonym coevals and verbal eloquence ( e.g. calling words that start with a given missive ) , with consequence size runing from d= 0.5 to 1.2 ( Gordon A ; Lee, 1986 ; Hines 1990 ) ‘ . Males have larger encephalons than females and encephalon size is positively correlated with intelligence. Among kids up to the age of around 14 yr the sex differences are smaller because misss mature earlier than male childs. Work done by Lubinski and Humphreys ( 1990 ) found that the criterion of divergence for males to be 7 per centum larger than for females. It has besides been hypothesised that work forces ‘s higher IQ mark may be direct effect of their larger encephalon sizes, a claim that has been backed up by consistent grounds of correlativities in the part of.30 between encephalon size and IQ tonss ( Rushton A ; Ackney 1996 ) . Macintosh ( 2007, p. 184 ) provinces that ‘ the critics would hold been better advised to oppugn whether one can do reasonable illations about differences in IQ between groups from grounds of their differences in the encephalon plus grounds of a within-group correlativity between encephalon size and IQ ‘ . Environmental factor impacting intelligence environmental factors play a big function in finding IQ in certain state of affairss. Malnutrition correlates with lower IQ, proposing that proper nutrition in childhood is critical for cognitive development. ( Cole, 2000:26 ) Even before kids go to school their parents will handle a male child and girl really different. Even in society throughout history this has occurred. A batch of research has gone into this ; your gender is an issue from the minute you are born. Auto matically society will state how a miss will act and how a male child will act. If it is a male child, oh he ‘s like that because he ‘s a male child and boys ever take longer to hold on it. The thought that intelligence and personality are mostly inherited has of import educational deductions. Environmental factors, e.g. household experiences, upbringing and schooling play a major function. ( Chamorro-Premuzic, 2008:99 ) . Biological factor impacting intelligence are as follows encephalon size, encephalon operation and testosterone. Testosterone is to make with males endocrines these are substances that travel around the human organic structure to consequence physiological activity, such as growing and metamorphosis Maltby et Al ( 2007, p.360 ) . Consequences or findings The figure below is from Hines ( 2003 ) and shows the magnitudes of some well-known sex differences in human behavior compared to the magnitude of the sex difference in tallness. hypertext transfer protocol: // This graph shows that work forces do good in 3-D rotary motion 0.8 divergence units, maths job 0.3 divergence units, maths concept 0.1 divergence units which non much because the consequence size is little. On the other manus this graph shows that verbal eloquence is low in male childs than misss because vitamin D is a negative figure, which shows -0.3 on the graph. This tabular array shows the spread in 1989 was merely 6 % but 10yrs later it had increased to 10 % . It is suggested by S. Ball ( 2008 ) that this spread is an overall statistic and non capable particular he suggests that in 2004 the divergences of this spread was merely 1 % and that in some topics boys achieve better consequences than misss therefore it is non valid to state that all male childs or all misss achieve less in Gcse degrees Discussion The of import issues that I have found are that male childs have bigger encephalon sizes than misss, which is linked to better IQ trial tonss for male childs than misss. Another issue that I found is that male childs tend to make better on spacial accomplishments ; they find mathematics and scientific discipline more interesting to larn about. But on the other manus misss to break on verbal, comprehension and vocabulary accomplishments than male childs do. The importance of this survey was to happen out ; if there were any differences between genders in intelligence besides I was interested in happening this out so I undertook my research study on this topic. During the procedure of garnering the information, it was really interesting to happen out that work forces have bigger encephalons than adult females, which gives them better IQ mark than adult females. Decisions and recommendations The intent of this survey is to happen out, if there are any possible differences between gender, and associating this to intelligence. From making my research in this field, I have found that there is non much difference between male and females and theoreticians have backed this statement up for many old ages. Neisser 1996 province that ‘most standard trials of intelligence have been constructed so that there are no overall mark differences between females and males ‘ . The chief issues that affect intelligence in gender: Boys do better on spacial trials than misss ; in contrast to this misss do better in verbal, comprehension and vocabulary accomplishments. Brain size of males is bigger than females encephalon size which consequences in work forces acquiring better IQ tonss than adult females. If I carry out this survey once more, I would do betterments to the research I have done, by making my ain research in this field to see what consequences I get from making this, I can make this by transporting out questionnaires on IQ. Another manner I could better my research is inquiring people to take the IQ trial. With these consequences I can compare them to one another, to happen out if there are any possible differences. How to cite Report on Intelligence and link to Gender, Essay examples