Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vietnamese Immigrants Face Simple Everyday Issues That

Vietnamese immigrants face simple everyday issues that may not cross one’s mind. My father, Phat Nguyen and mother, Xuan Nguyen, has endured the struggles of living in a completely foreign country, while not even knowing the language upon arrival. He had to leave his home country, culture, and family due to the Vietnam War. He â€Å"left pretty much everything except the clothes on our back and some Vietnamese money that is worthless in America.†(Nguyen 4). Additionally, he â€Å"didn’t even have a chance to grab any pictures† (Nguyen 4). He â€Å"[was] suddenly told [they] had to evacuate as soon as possible, but [they] had a few days to find what [they] wanted to bring and gather the family up† (Nguyen 4). Resulting from the Vietnam War, whole†¦show more content†¦Accordingly, the cost of transportation is directly linked to one’s income, impacting poorer families such as my father’s, who just came to America. This limits th eir ability to explore, run errands, and meet new people. Not having the ability to travel is a huge inconvenience because it is a constraint on their personal growth. Phat did not eat an abundance of meats and fatty foods in Vietnam, however he ate vegetables and chicken. When he came to America the main foods that were cheap and available were fatty foods, beef, and starches. â€Å"Our bodies aren’t use to the amount of meat, fat, and sugar we consume here, because back in Vietnam we bike everywhere and walk so we work all of the lean foods we eat, [however] when we come here, It’s all unhealthy and we drive everywhere so most of us† are unable to burn off the unhealthy foods we consumed resulting in us have diabetes (Nguyen 4). Equally important â€Å"[they] didn’t have lots milk back in Vietnam so [they] never drank it but here, everyone drinks it and [they] try to but our bodies aren’t use to it so [they] are mostly lactose intolerant†(Nguyen 4). In Vietnam they had several dietary differences that caused numerous very inconvenient problems such as: diabetes, lactose intolerance, and high cholesterol. Currently,â€Å"†¦with those living inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Microcultures in Canada7105 Words   |  29 Pageslook at Vietnamese, Jewish, and Vegan cultures and compare them to mainstream Canadian culture. The subsequent comparative analysis aims at finding differences in an attempt to better understand and communicate more effectively, by clarifying the common misunderstandings that arise when communicating with different microcultures, whether in business or everyday life. Vietnamese Background/History/Evolution Representing one of the largest non-European sub-cultures in Canada, the Vietnamese communityRead MoreEssay on Mcdonalds in Vietnam4753 Words   |  20 Pagesscenery of the beaches and islands on the South China Sea. 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American beliefs and values†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2.2. The Process of Americanization in American History†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..... 2.3. Different Views on Americanization †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter III The Mosaic of American Culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read More111135197X 38570 Essay example17696 Words   |  71 PagesOption A.) Exercise 5 (page 24) Children of immigrants who do not speak English often function more like adults than children. As a child of immigrant parents myself, I have often had to act as an adult. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Monumental Changes Across the Globe in History

Monumental Changes across the Globe in History Since the beginning of time, all sorts of changes have occurred throughout the world. Changes in nature, in people, in cities, in countries, wars, politics, kingdoms, etc. Three significant major changes in history that occurred before 1500, that shaped the world were: the Neo-Lithic Revolution, Alexander the Great’s conquests, and the travels of Marco Polo. Firstly, the Neolithic Revolution is a great place to start in History because that is when the first major shift of among people’s way of life throughout the whole world occurs. It occurred approximately 10,000 years ago. Many hunter-gatherers turned into farmers because they saw it was a good†¦show more content†¦Darius, previously outwitted, tried a new, desperate strategy of trying to defeat Alexander, simply with as many men as he could gather. Unfortunately for Darius, the Hoplite Phalanx formation tore through his formations and made their way to him, so he fled the scene. Alexander and his Guard chased him in hot pursuit. After killing him, he claimed Darius made him successor to the Persian throne. Also known as Alexander’s greatest victory because this victory made him the Persian King of Kings, he had overthrown the known world’s greatest and most threatening empires (Persia), and had access to more troops and the land’s resources to co ntinue his campaign. This was the key victory that allowed Alexander to be virtually unstoppable and helped him further his campaign of conquering the known world! After taking over Persia, that opened up the pathway for many other territories that he eventually conquered, including: Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria, and Mesopotamia. He lastly challenged Punjab, India, only to turn back from lack of support/enthusiasm from his troops. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Accounting Standards in the United States of America Free Essays

Accounting in the USA The following report will describe and discuss the major elements of accounting in the USA. It will show that the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are set by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), where as the International Accounting Standards (IAS) are set by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This report will also state the similarities and differences between these standards. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Standards in the United States of America or any similar topic only for you Order Now In addition, the following report will use relevant examples to evaluate current accounting problems and issues in the USA related to international convergence of accounting standards. Fargher et al. (2008, page. 67) pointed out that FASB’s conceptual framework (CFW) for financial reporting is generally consistent with that of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). However the FASB provides more detail with six statements of financial accounting concepts (SFACs). The first level in the CFW explains the main purposes of financial reports are to provide useful information for investors and creditors, to estimate future cash flows and to claim venture resources. The second level consists of qualitative characteristics and elements of the CFW. The qualitative characteristics of the USA CFW are relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency. The main components include assets, liabilities, equity, investment by owners, distributions to owners, comprehensive income, revenues, expenses, gains and losses. The third level of CFW indicates how the firm executes the events based on assumptions, principles and constraints. There are four assumptions: economic equity, going concern, monetary unit and periodicity. The four principles include historical cost, revenue recognition, matching and full disclosure. The constraints consist of cost-benefit, materiality, industry practice and conservatism. Fargher (2008, p. 229) mentioned that USA uses FASB 95 Statement of Cash Flows, plus FASB 102 and 104. The format is the same as the international one which includes operating, investing and financial activities. However, it is encouraged to report cash flows using the direct method even though the indirect method is usually used. Interest paid and received and dividends received are classified as operating activities. Non cash transactions are excluded from the cash flow statement. Fargher (2008, p. 89) stated that the income statement format under US GAAP involves a range of steps but the subtotals are listed before the unusual and rare items. Changes in retained earnings are included in the retained earnings statement and comprehensive income that reports changes in fair value and similar items after the operating income. Note disclosure is based on particular standards plus SEC and other sou rces under the US GAAP hierarchy. IFRS and US GAAP have some similarities but there are also several differences. The main similarities and differences are in the areas of revenue recognition and inventory valuation. A similarity between US GAAP and IFRS is that revenue is not recognised until the revenue is actually earned. Under the US GAAP, a large amount of guidance provided usually only applies to specific industries. For example, there are specific rules for the recognition of software revenue and sales of real estate under US GAAP, while comparable guidance does not exist under IFRS (Ernst Young 2010). Also, both systems define inventory as assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business. A significant difference between using US GAAP and IFRS is the inventory costing method is that US uses LIFO, whereas LIFO is prohibited by the IFRS. Also, inventory valuation is measured under the IFRS at lower of cost and net realizable value. However, under the US GAAP, inventory valuation is carried at the lower of cost and market, where the market is the current replacement cost (Ernst Young 2010). According to (Todd M. Hines 2007, p1) IFRSs are becoming more important in the global economy. â€Å"Over the last 35 years there has been a strong push towards the adoption of a uniform set of financial accounting standards to replace the myriad number of country-specific standards now in use†. This indicates that each country has developed its own sets of financial accounting standards. It is essential to work towards the uniformed international accounting standards for organisations doing business globally to have comparable information. As a result of this push for internationally recognised set of accounting standards, IFRS were created with the goal of providing a single internationally recognized set of accounting standards. In an ever increasingly globally connected world, more transactions and investment planning occur on a global level. As international convergence has progressed many countries have conformed under IFRS and adopted their standards. The USA has similar standards but continue to use different financial reporting standards. However these differences according to (Todd M. Hines 2007, p4) often ‘lead to confusion and large complications for preparers and users of financial statements’. Financial statements prepared under different reporting standards are hardly comparable, therefore overseas investors may not be able to compare between the financial reports of business under IFRS and those operating under US GAAP. This can lead to confusion and affect the judgments of financial statement users. Due to the difficulties in comparison the users of the financial information must understand both IFRS and GAAP to make informed decisions. Moving from US GAAP to IFRS will have a major impact on business’ financial reporting in the USA. Decisions made by managers, financial advisors, CEO’s, governments, and the users of financial statements will have to be drastically rethought with the change. If the USA decides to follow the convergence trend towards IFRS, they will be moving into a more volatile reporting environment, particularly in the reporting of assets as well as that of net profit. One alarming statistic is that the volatility of tax benefits, deferred tax benefits in particular, can be 98% more volatile under IFRS (McAnally, et. al. 2010). This increased volatility is due to the greater use of fair value in the preparation of the financial statements, and the eventual elimination of historical cost under IFRS. Fair values are used under IFRS to better reflect the changing economic conditions, but this introduces uncertainty and makes it much harder to predict reported earnings than under historical cost, which the USA uses. Although fair value is more relevant, often it is not reliable due to the influence of economic conditions on the valuation of assets. This increased volatility will lead to retraining in every area of accounting. With the change to IFRS, there will be a large amount of rethinking and retraining for areas such as financial planning and forecasting as well as in target setting, but the major area it will affect is the reporting of financial statements. Another issue regarding the convergence of the USA to the IFRS accounting standards is the effect it will have on IT systems. As the adoption of IFRS starts to gain momentum among many counties, global business will be dealing with major changes over the next few years. According to Pratt (2010), not only are private companies considering the IFRS, but also public companies including banks and private investors who also have growing concerns about the implication of the convergence. This adoption of IFRS by the USA will bring about several changes in the way recording and reporting financial data is carried out. This is due to the differences between IFRS and U. S. GAAP standards. It has been found that there are 103 differences between IFRS and U. S. GAAP in the way recording of data happens. Management in the performance and technology division of KPMG suggests that the change to IFRS will drastically affect the accounting IT systems in the USA (Pratt, 2010). One of the major concerns for the USA is that under IFRS the financial data needed to keep IT systems up to date will have to be more detailed and more frequent. It is also believed that the financial reporting ledger will be affected by adopting IFRS. Pratt (2010) claimed the US needs to ‘[m]ake sure that the new system accommodates IFRS if [companies] are planning to upgrade the system. ’ This will mean more money will need to be diverted from other key functions and into the development and upgrading of IT systems. With the major push for convergence, the USA needs to critically evaluate the effect that their move to IFRS may have on their IT systems and the software they use. Also, U. S. companies will need to become familiar with the new systems and technology before the change in order to keep up with international competitors. The major elements of the USA include the conceptual framework, financial reports, revenue recognition and inventory. Taking problems and issues into account, our group concludes that the convergence of the USA to IFRS would benefit both, the global economy and the USA. Although problems with financial reporting, volatility, retraining and IT systems may arise, converging to international standards will allow users to have easy comparisons between companies and greater transparency. In conclusion, we feel it is beneficial for the USA to converge to international standards so that there are a set of global standards for all companies to follow. Word Count: 1491 BIBLIOGAPHY Books Fargher, N, Wise, V, Kieso, DE, Weygand, JJ Warfield, TJ 2008, Fundamentals of Intermediate accounting, John Wiley Sons Australia, Milton. Websites Ernst Young, 2010, Revenue Recognition, viewed 29 September 2011, Ernst Young, 2010, Inventory, viewed 29 September 2011, L. Gordon Crovitz. 2008 (September 8). Closing the Information GAAP, viewed 29 September 2011. lt; http://online. wsj. com/article/SB122083366235408621. html Mary E. Barth. 2004. Fair Values and Financial Statement Volatility, viewed 29 September. Journal Articles Todd M. Hines 2007 ‘International Financial Reporting Standards: A Guide to Sources for International Accounting Standards’; Journal of Business Finance Librarianship, Vol. 12(3), p. 1-8 McAnally, M, McGuire, S, Weaver, C 2010, ‘Assessing t he Financial Reporting Consequences of Conversion to IFRS: The Case of Equity-Based Compensation’, Accounting Horizons, Vol 24 (4), p. 589-621 Gornik-Tomaszewski, S 2003, ‘Short-Term Convergence Between US GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards’, Bank Accounting Finance (08943958), Vol 16 (5), p. 39-42 Tarca, A 2004, ‘International Convergence of Accounting Practices: Choosing between IAS and US GAAP’, Journal of International Financial Management Accounting, Vol 15 (1), pp. 60-91 Pratt, MK 2010, ‘GET READY FOR GLOBAL ACCOUNTING’, Computerworld, Vol 44 (3), p. 21-23 Laux, C. Leuz, C 2009. ‘The crisis of fair-value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate’. Accounting, Organizations and Society. V 34 (6-7), p. 826-834 How to cite Accounting Standards in the United States of America, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Leadership and Management Psychological Relationship

Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Management for Psychological Relationship. Answer: Part A Identification and Assessment of the Needs of the Customers: As commented by Lewis (2013), exercise and fitness has now certain psychological relationship with dressing style of an individual. Everyone wants to look good when it comes to fitness and as a result they pay more attention to their dressing. Research has shown that a kind of athletic look has inspired the fitness freaks to dress in a way that portray their effort towards fitness. If the recent trend has to be considered, leggings have been used by the female gym goers. It has been observed that major clothing brands like Zara, that are not in the business of fitness clothes or gym wear are also making approach to launch clothes for athletes or other fitness lovers (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Satisfying the expectations of customers, in terms of: Quality: It has to be understood that gym wear is something that an individual wears on a regular basis just like a uniform. Therefore, maintaining good quality of the material of the costume is indeed important. Time: Coming up with a detailed manufacturing plan and meeting with the demand of the consumers in the market within 6 months of time is feasible. Cost: The price of the product has to be fixed on the basis of the price of other competitors. However, researches have shown that people are often found to spend good amount of money on fitness clothes and shoes if they find it comfortable and fashionable for themselves. Therefore, it is recommended that there shall be different ranges of products available for different consumers. Methods of Identification of Trends in the Market: In order to understand the recent market trend, the most effective way is to understand it from the consumers themselves. An online survey or directly interviewing people to understand their point of view might be fruitful for understanding the needs of the customers (Darkooti, Esmaeilzadeh and Davin 2015). Moreover, keeping pace with the recent fashion trends by following sports magazines or consumers needs and expectation can give idea about the recent trends and the liking of the consumers. A good eye on the competitors product has to be kept and coming up with products that can compete with the existing product is the right approach of understanding the trend of the market. Method to Ensure Delivery of Products within Organization: Monitoring the delivery of the product is the primary requirement to ensure delivery of products. There should be an individual who has to be assigned with a particular responsibility of monitoring the delivery of the product. A separate and distinct position should be allotted to an individual for the monitoring purpose. The dealers and the suppliers are to be monitored properly and it has to be make ensured that the products are delivered on time (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Products can be delivered in a bulk to the dealers who can sell the products in exclusive stores. Apart from this, online delivering and shopping option always remain a convenient method of delivering products to the consumers. Explanation of Monitoring Team Performance: In order to make the performance of the employees effective, it is important to monitor their activities. Every employee needs to be monitored and an account has to be kept of the daily performance of the employees. Most importantly, it is required to make an action plan of the complete procedure of exporting and manufacturing the products. It is based on the performance review necessary actions can be taken to improve the situation as required (Darkooti, Esmaeilzadeh and Davin 2015). If required, the employees can be trained as well. Proper training or teaching them in the right way can help to overcome the situation if any kind of fault is recognized in the activities of the employees. Evaluation and Monitoring Own Performance: The best way to monitor self performance is to set the target for a particular day and then make necessary plans to carry out the activity to accomplish the target of the day. Making a step by step plan of the things to do and then following the same step wise will definitely make the things better. Every situation might lead to certain things that act as a learning guide (Lewis 2013). It is important to understand the requirement of the situation and act accordingly. Researching on self and coming up with plans to monitor the performance of self can be the best way to self-monitor. Better Learning Opportunities to Improve Performance: It is evident that at the time of carrying out any kind of activity, an individual comes across any kind of situation that helps the person to understand their role or performance. To improve the performance, it is important tom understand the demand and needs by putting oneself in the customers shoes (Balajade, Dana and Rezaeishirazi 2014). If the particular product is designed by the means of understanding the perspective of the consumers, then there remains a better opportunity of getting fruitful result. Getting feedback from the customers and then working on the same factors to improve the business condition is indeed the primary means of improving the business and the products of the company. Assisting Team Members to meet Customer Service Standard: The most effective way of understanding the needs of the customers is by directly communicating with them. In order to achieve this, it is recommended to conduct a survey among the target groups of people. Asking people about their choice and expectation would definitely help to understand the needs of the customers that can finally help to come with such products that will meet the requirement of the consumers (Grigali?nait? and Pilelien? 2013). Again, getting updated with recent trends by following recent magazines or news where the trends and liking of people are narrated. It is on the basis of complete evaluation, the product shall be designed. CommunicationSkill to be used: The best way of communicating with the team members and assisting them in the right way is by the means of addressing each employee personally. Therefore, interpersonal communication with the employees can be effective. Face to face communication or carrying out a detailed meeting with the employees by addressing the issues can be effective (Hwang and Ng 2013). In this respect, it can be said that leadership quality plays an important role. As a manger, it is important to follow up with the needs of the employees and communicate with them as per necessity. Part B: Impact of laws on business: Anti-discrimination law: The gym products and equipment should be designed for all irrespective of any kind of biasness related to particular race or religion. The model or the face for the company might be someone belonging to different ethnic groups (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). Australian Consumer Law: The Company must be responsible enough to deal with the complaints of the consumers in case if there is any kind of faulty products are found (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). If the consumers are ready to pay for the particular product, the Company shall give worthy product. Industry codes of Practice: The Company has to deal with good standard with the dealers and suppliers of the product. All kinds of documents should be checked and rechecked before making any kind business. Work, health safety: Employees who are responsible for the manufacturing process should be kept under utter guidance and care. In case, if there is any kind of hazardous situation then the management should take proper measurement to overcome the crisis. Ethical principles: The Company should carry out all the activities with basic ethical guidelines. There should be truthfulness and justification in their prime business or manufacturing activities (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). Importance of Public Relations and Product Promotion Any kind of activity that is focused to involve public good helps to enhance the image of the company. Public Relation acts as a tool for promotion. It has to be understood that the major aim of the Company is to launch a new product and as viewed by Berman et al. 2015, public relation is most effective in case of launch of new product or repositioning a product. For a renowned company like Colesworths, if they carry out any public relation activity, it will have positive impact towards their other products as well. Public relation will create a positive image in the market that shall help to attract more consumers. There are numerous evidences when an organization has used Public Relation as an approach to promote their product or improve the image of the organization. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR activities always prove to be fruitful for an organization (Certo and Certo 2013). Therefore, it is also recommended that in order to compete with the competitors in the market, Colesworths might come up with better Public relations activities that shall help them to approach the target group of people and increase the sale of the products. Reference List: Balajade, M.H., Dana, A. and Rezaeishirazi, R., 2014. The Relationship between Service Quality and Loyalty of Sports Customer.Research Journal of Sport Sciences,2(2), pp.55-59. Berman, E.M., Bowman, J.S., West, J.P. and Van Wart, M.R., 2015.Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage Publications. Certo, S.C. and Certo, S.T., 2013.Modern management: Concepts and skills. Pearson Higher Ed. Darkooti, A., Esmaeilzadeh, M.R. and Davin, H.F., 2015. The relationship of business intelligence of managers in fitness club of Mashhad with the rate of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Fransen, K., Van Puyenbroeck, S., Loughead, T.M., Vanbeselaere, N., De Cuyper, B., Broek, G.V. and Boen, F., 2015. Who takes the lead? Social network analysis as a pioneering tool to investigate shared leadership within sports teams.Social Networks,43, pp.28-38. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Pearson. Grigali?nait?, V. and Pilelien?, L., 2013. GYMSservice quality evaluation in Kaunas city.Lase Journal of Sport Science is a Scientific Journal published two times per year in Sport Science LASE Journal for sport scientists and sport experts/specialists, p.98. Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges.International Journal of Project Management,31(2), pp.272-284. Lewis, S., 2013. An Online Customer Service Survey to Determine Current Levels of Customer Satisfaction at a Cross Fit Gym. Rue, L., Byars, L. and Ibrahim, N., 2012.Management: Skills Application. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Dangers Of Anabolic Steroids Essays - Anabolic Steroids,

Dangers of Anabolic Steroids In the past three decades, steroids has been becoming a serious problem more than ever in the athletic field. Steroids are anabolic drug "to build" growth hormones that include the androgens (male sex hormones) principally testosterone and estrogen and progestogens (female sex hormones). Steroids were first developed for medical purposes. They're used in controlling inflammation, strengthening weakened hearts, preventing conception, and alleviating symptoms of arthritis and asthma. Unfortunately research has shown that steroids have been abused in almost every kind of sport. Although steroids contribute to a muscular body, usage should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate and mentally destroy the body. Many people are fascinated about steroids because of their ability to build up the body. Whether taken by injection or the pill it increases strength and endurance. Steroids also help in the healing process of muscular tissue by first injuring them, then the muscles heal quicker adding more fiber increasing their bulk. Many athletes turn to steroids more often because they're cheaper then marijuana or cocaine. A ten week cycle of testosterone cypinate and methandrostone costs only about one hundred dollars. Steroids are also very hard to trace because of their water base composition. They can pass through the body within two days. All these benefits of steroids help an athletes become more competitive and increase their chance of being a winner. Of course everybody wants better biceps and triceps but when using steroids to achieve this goal there is a large price to pay. However, steroids should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate the whole body system. When injected one risks the chances of developing hematoma and contracting AIDS. In women steroids contribute to the growth of facial hair, enlargements of the clitoris, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. In men steroids cause shrinkage of the testicles, decrease in sperm count, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement and growth of female breast. In both men and women hair loss, liver ailments, acne, atherosierosis and cancer are very common. This dangerous drug shortens the life span up to twenty years and increases the chance of obtaining diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The side effects and reactions from enduring anabolic steroids are endless. Along with the physical problems there are also mental reactions associated with the usage of steroids. This drug becomes very addictive and damaging to the mind. It causes violent episodes which an athlete can claim a legal insanity defense to it. They get so wrapped up psychologically that the negative effects doesn't matter to them. Research has also discovered that steroids cause psychotic side effects sometimes referred to as "roid mania". Along with these are wild aggressive, combative behavior, depression, listlessness and delusions during and after performance. Even though the game is over athletes want to continue competing. Steroids mentally destroy the brain and ability to reason. Overall the usage of steroids is very damaging to the human body. Even though it physically builds up the body for better performance the risks of use are enormous. Steroids physically deteriorate and mentally destroy the body. The usage of steroids provides an unfair advantage to non-user athletes and therefore should remain illegal for non-medical use.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Aristotle & Virtue Of Ethics

Aristotle was an ethicist who established a fundamental moral theory knows as â€Å"virtue ethics† still widely, applicable today. His ethics had to do with matters of character and virtues, which produce good character traits. According to Aristotle’s book Nicomachean Ethics, some things are good because they lead us to other goods that we desire, some things are good, and at the same time, the means to a good end. On the other hand Aristotle said that evil is a deprivation of some good, thus when someone does evil it is a deprivation or lack of god within that person. In order to develop good character traits the virtues should be introduced to an individual at an early age. There are four cardinal moral virtues are practical wisdom, a sense of justice or fairness, self restraint r self control and having courage under duress. There are also many secondary moral virtues like honesty, sympathy, understanding, forgiveness etc. Having these virtues introduced to a child will give them the ability to reason and know the difference between good and bad. The virtues are essentially good character traits and they become a habit. These virtues are the ones introduced in our schools today, which provides a reinforcement for some children who are being thought morals at home and for others that are not exposed to them at all. Fortunately, a new trend is emerging where â€Å"teaching of character and values is making an unprecedented comeback in schools† (http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional./todayschild/comeback.htm). These programs â€Å"provide students with a grounding in such values as courage and caring, and teach them how to solve disputes peacefully.† ((http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional./todayschild/comeback.htm). These tactics seem as if they would work very well. They teach children how to think before they react to a bullies threat or comment. The only problem I have with this is that these are children. I th... Free Essays on Aristotle & Virtue Of Ethics Free Essays on Aristotle & Virtue Of Ethics Aristotle was an ethicist who established a fundamental moral theory knows as â€Å"virtue ethics† still widely, applicable today. His ethics had to do with matters of character and virtues, which produce good character traits. According to Aristotle’s book Nicomachean Ethics, some things are good because they lead us to other goods that we desire, some things are good, and at the same time, the means to a good end. On the other hand Aristotle said that evil is a deprivation of some good, thus when someone does evil it is a deprivation or lack of god within that person. In order to develop good character traits the virtues should be introduced to an individual at an early age. There are four cardinal moral virtues are practical wisdom, a sense of justice or fairness, self restraint r self control and having courage under duress. There are also many secondary moral virtues like honesty, sympathy, understanding, forgiveness etc. Having these virtues introduced to a child will give them the ability to reason and know the difference between good and bad. The virtues are essentially good character traits and they become a habit. These virtues are the ones introduced in our schools today, which provides a reinforcement for some children who are being thought morals at home and for others that are not exposed to them at all. Fortunately, a new trend is emerging where â€Å"teaching of character and values is making an unprecedented comeback in schools† (http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional./todayschild/comeback.htm). These programs â€Å"provide students with a grounding in such values as courage and caring, and teach them how to solve disputes peacefully.† ((http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional./todayschild/comeback.htm). These tactics seem as if they would work very well. They teach children how to think before they react to a bullies threat or comment. The only problem I have with this is that these are children. I th...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Advertising in the 21st century.Communication and Consumer Behavior Essay

Advertising in the 21st century.Communication and Consumer Behavior - Essay Example Regardless of the fact that the key function of the advertising process is to persuade the target audience in the benefits of purchasing goods or services, the communication function of advertising is essentially wider. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to analyze the communication and customer behavior function of the advertising process from the perspective of arranging sustainable communication with the target audience, including feedback. Considering the fact that advertising can also change the overall industry approaches towards the communication process, the paper will be focused on the aspects of widening these approaches, and outlining the basic strategies of adjusting and regulating the communication with the target audience, basing on the latest communication technologies. Communicative Function of the Advertising Process First, it should be stated that in accordance with the research by Carbaugh (2008), the advertising that is based on the communication process is featur ed with five distinctive aspects: It differs from the standard communication process, as the basic function of advertising does not involve feedback, and it may be initiated without the mutual agreement of the parties. The general principle of the effective advertising is explained by the perception aspect. This means that perceptional patterns, as well as cultural codes of the target audience define whether the communication process can be initiated. For instance, a company that produces meat products will never be able to hit the vegetarian segment of the audience. The communication process approaches can be changed depending on the consumer’s involvement. The further step of the communication process is associated with the purchases. Hence, the motives that stimulate purchases, are originated by the communication process, as well as perception aspects of the target audience. Additionally, the communication process of advertising influences the customer behavior. The custom ers change their involvement into the communication process depending on the perception patterns of the advertising strategy. In accordance with the basics of the advertising theory, the communication process simplifies the customers’ movement through the customer behavior stages. (Lee and Ferguson, 2002) Therefore, this process is often regarded as a set of standardized matters, while the influence of advertisement is quite individual. The stages are given on the scheme below: While some customers pass all the stages quickly, the others may stop at any of them without passing to the final one (Person, 2010). This means that the communicative function of the advertisement process is to create and carry a message for the audience, and this message should stimulate the audience move to the final stage (â€Å"Purchase†). The leverage function of the communication is often regarded as a supplementary aspect of the allover advertisement process (Tanaka, 2010).It creates the necessary background for accelerating the customers’ understanding of the product benefits. Nevertheless, the communication itself can not be the sufficient aspect of the effective advertising; therefore, the strategy is often backed up by various images: either verbal or visual (however, they are often combined). Hence, in accordance with the basics of the advertising theory, advertising and marketing are grounded on the matters of thoughts control. (Jian-Hua and Zhi-Yun, 2010) Mass media advertisement and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Boston Tea Party Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Boston Tea Party - Research Paper Example The first part is an overview of British colonization of America to show the relationship between ruled colonies and the ruling Empire. The second part summarizes the relationship between business and government in the colonies that led to abuses. The third part explores the role that taxation of tea, an ordinary beverage, played in the conflicts between the Crown and its colonies. The fourth part briefly discusses the protests that led to the Tea Party and the reactions of the British colonizers. The final part shows the link between the Boston Tea Party and American independence. The first English settlers sailed to America in the early 17th century, founding the colonies of Virginia in 1607. Despite harsh conditions of climate and violent resistance from natives, English settlers continued arriving in droves: settling in Plymouth in 1620, Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire in 1629, Maryland in 1630, Rhode Island and Connecticut in 1636, New Haven in 1638, North and South Carolina in 1663, New York and New Jersey in 1664, Hudson Bay in 1670, and Pennsylvania in 1681. Colonial settlements were established in Delaware in 1702, Georgia in 1732, and West Florida in 1763 (Innes 5-7). Each of these colonies was established either as a chartered company colony or a proprietary colony, which differentiates the way the colony is managed, its relations with the British government or Crown, and how revenues from trade and commerce in and out of the colony is shared with government. A chartered company is managed by business interests in behalf of the Crown, while civil servants appointed by the Crown manage a proprietary colony. Most chartered company colonies were not as well managed as proprietary colonies, so colonies such as Virginia, Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay were eventually turned into proprietary colonies, with the Crown appointing settlers from England as governors (Innes 11-13). America was a conglomeration of rich and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Change of Focus For Your Financial Organisation From Transactional to Essay

Change of Focus For Your Financial Organisation From Transactional to Relationship Marketing - Essay Example II. Background â€Å"Today’s financial services customers is a ‘Butterfly Customer’, sceptical, and not loyal to any product or company, and yours only until the next good thing comes along† (O’Dell & Pajunen, 2008, p.24). Because of this, HSBC requires a sound methodology for conducting market research to ensure more customer volume increases. HSBC Australia conducts routine customer-related surveys to gain quantitative information about the brand in the eyes of customers, willingness to recommend HSBC over other target competition, and a variety of customer service feedback systems. Refer to Appendix A for a chart of survey results associated with intent to recommend HSBC from the company’s 2010 annual report which highlights the very low level of word-of-mouth HSBC can rely on based on this quantitative information. Financial services at HSBC include personalized planning from HSBC financial planners in areas of superannuation, retirement p lanning, wealth creation, borrowing for investment purposes, and personal insurance policies (hsbc.com.au, 2011). Since it has been determined that HSBC is not meeting its Board-mandated sales results in gaining customer loyalty for using HSBC for its financial planning, the business must revamp its current marketing strategies and change its current format of reliance on market research tools. Tightening of monetary policies from the government has a very hard impact on interest rates during a recession. This makes investment less attractive to customers and they instead seek bank loans (Bolton & Freixas, 2006). It has been established that HSBC outperforms most of its Australian competition in banking, and it is necessary to try to restore confidence in target consumers to ensure that existing banking customers and new customers choose HSBC for its financial planning and investment services offerings. III. Discussion It is being proposed that HSBC conduct a new type of market rese arch program that includes qualitative data in the form of questionnaires rather than the traditional survey format. Qualitative research provides key insights into emotional capacity of consumers, their confidence in banking and investment, and also serves to uncover the psychological dimensions of what is driving such a high resistance to financial planning services. Why is this a preferred research format over the survey currently being utilized? Financial investment services represent risk to the consumers. Financial decision making is driven by the willingness to accept risk along with intuitive factors, such as trust in a brand, as well as data and options analyses (fsa.gov.uk, 2005, p.9). Intuitive factor is the key phrase in this proposal, since most of this is based on sociological or psychological factors which determine how a consumer structures and plans their investment strategies. Identifying which financial services planners best fit the buyer needs is a very elongate d search process that include pricing, perceptions of reliability, service quality, and many other factors (Laffey & Gandy, 2009). The longer a search process takes, the less chance a brand has of gaining consumer interest immediately in areas of promotion. The data gleaned from qualitative research

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Determinants of Intra-industry Trade

Determinants of Intra-industry Trade Intra-industry trade has been growing rapidly in the past three decades. The main characteristic for intra-industry trade is countries import and export same kind of goods but different levels of quality. Likewise, in intra-industry trade, the goods exchanged are not perfect substitutes. Many studies suggest that more specialized trade structure and more developed countries lead to higher intra-industry trade. Menon (1996) found that in Malaysia and Singapore there was more than 60 percent of the growth in the intra-ASEAN trade in the period of 1986 and 1991 was because of the intra-industry trade growth. Based on the David Ricardo’s economic theories, different countries have their comparative advantage in different manufacture production. Of which, individual regions or countries will specialize in production and thereby export goods that can be produced with comparatively cheaper price than other countries. Increasing in returns and monopolistic competition bring additional possibilities for intra-industry trade among countries. Intra-industry trade usually will takes place in the countries that have similar social structure and economical. Meanwhile, the key factors that affecting intra-industry trade are product differentiation, human capital intensity and economies of scale (Hu Ma, 1999). In a related study, Krugman (1979) developed new theoretical framework which vary from the traditional Heckscher-Ohlin theorem, they introducing models of monopolistic competition that determine increasing returns to scale and the demand of consumers for the varieties of differentiated products as key drivers of intra-industry trade. Besides, Duc (1994) also determined that economic size and capital endowment are important determinants of Intra-industry trade. According to the Thorpe and Zhang (2005), the supply-induced effect on economies of scale ensures production in great volumes of differentiated products. It is because in order to meet consumer’s demand for more variety, the manufacturers can take advantage of economies of scale in production then specializes in production of a variety product. Furthermore, the manufacturers in larger economies will have larger domestic market and more resources. Thus, there is higher possibility for investors to enjoy the economies of scale in production and increase the production of differentiated products. Bernatonyte and Normantiene (2007) mention that intra-industry is important for the changes of economy of a country. Intra-industry trade exploits economies of scale and stimulates innovation. Besides, it changes the structure of goods and nature of international trade in the way of increasing specialization and the increases of the variety of goods throughout differentiated products. Consumers have more choices of goods and the countries can gain benefits from larger markets. Therefore, they concluded that intra-industry is more beneficial than inter-industry trade since intra-industry trade. However, besides of economies of scale and product differentiation, there is also a lot other determinants that can influence the intra-industry trade. Thorpe and Zhang (2005) and Hirschberg, Sheldon and Dayton (1994), identified that there is a positive relationship between economy size and the intra-industry trade. They concluded that economic size of a country can influence the volume of trade. Other than that, the difference in the economies size of trading partners outlines the ability of a country to produce differentiated products. With different sizes of economies, larger economy have the higher demand for differentiated products and they can take advantage of economies of scale to export large volumes of differentiated products and meanwhile, the smaller country are forced to import those differentiated products since they not able to benefit from economies of scale in their own production. Moreover, Khalifah (1996) states that there is a positive relationship between the economic openness and intra-industry trade. The ASEAN countries have different level of openness. She concluded that countries with lower openness, such as Myammar and Indonesia, are expected to have less participation in intra-industry trade in ASEAN. In contract, the higher openness of Malaysia and Singapore are expected to contribute more in intra-industry trade. During the period of 1986 to 1990, there was more than half of ASEAN’s manufacturing trade is carried out under intra-industry type. The openness to foreign investment in Malaysia in the late 1980s had led to a rapid increase in foreign capital, which main on the manufacturing sector and results the expansion of trade in differentiated products. Apart from that, Singapore is also a very open and competitive country. It has generally lowest tariff barriers among ASEAN countries, followed by Malaysia and other countries. Singapore generated a high level of intra-industry trade since 1970s and it was traded heavily with Malaysia since then. Nonetheless, it is found that low openness country, Indonesia had very low level of intra-industry trade during the 1970s but slowly increased in the 1980s. As mentioned by Khalifah (1996) the intra-industry trade between Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia are more in intermediate goods compared to consumer goods. Indonesia’s intra industry trade is mainly intermediate goods such as primary and processed fuels and lubricant whereas Singapore’s intra-industry trade consists mainly of electronic goods, refined petroleum products, copolymerization, polymerization and natural rubber latex, which in among the top 13 import-export products. This indicates that protectionist sentiment will be minimizes with AFTA since it is under the interest of producers and consumers to maintain free trade environment. In addition, geographical closeness will results the psychological and cultural similarities where increasing trade in differentiated products and having same consumption patterns. Thus, it is offsetting the effects of lower costs through economies of scale. Geographical distance is a natural international trade barrier. The transportation and information costs reduce the volume of intra-industry trade (Thorpe Zhang, 2005). Although, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore are located at different geography location and their residents have different preference demands. But because these three countries are just located nearby for each other in Asia, they have actually quite similar cultural and consumption pattern. Besides, the shorter distance and lower information costs allow them to trade to each other more easily. Therefore, there were already many years of bilateral trade history among these three countries. They import goods and services from countries that offer the lowest price, and export goods and services to countries that can receive highest price. This is good for both buyers and sellers in these three countries. The intra-industry trade is very important for all these three countries because the world having scarce resource, intra-industry trade can increase their residents’ standard of living. References Bernatonytel, D. Normantiene, A. (2007). Estimation of Importance of Intra-industry Trade. Engineering Economics, 3(53), 25-34. Duc, N.H. (1994). Intra-industry trade among Asia-Pacific economies: a case study in econometric analysis. Economics Division Working Papers, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra. Hirschberg, J.G., Sheldon, I.M., Dayton, J.R. (1994). An analysis of bilateral intra-industry trade in the food processing sector. Applied Economics, 26, 159-167. Hu, X., Ma, Y. (1999). International intra-industry trade of China. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 135, 82-101. Khalifah, N. A. (1996). AFTA and Intra-industry Trade. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 12 (3), 351-368. Menon, J. (1996). The dynamics of IIT in ASEAN. Asian Economic Journal, 10, 105–15. Thorpe, M. W. (1993). Intra-industry trade and ASEAN-The experience of Malaysia, The Philippines and Singapore, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Economics, Florida State University College of Social Sciences, Florida USA. Thorpe, M. Zhang, Z. (2005). Study of the Measurement and Determinants of Intra-industry Trade in East Asia. Asian Economic Journal, 19(2), 231-247.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

University Foundation :: University Foundation Education Essays

University Foundation The presentation I choose to summarize is Greg Gissendanner’s presentation on the university foundation. Like most of the other presentations in class, Greg used the standard outline of presenting the unit’s history, mission, organizational structure, funding and financial concerns, and current issues. History. Greg showed that while many foundations look fairly similar today, the history of foundation development took on many different forms at different institutions. Greg’s primary examples of Harvard and Rutgers compared stories of how each foundation got its start with early donations (in a foreign currency!) as well as donations of other types – those that we might call in-kind today. These donations of materials and labor were instrumental in getting these two institutions the boost they needed for their continuing growth. Mission. Greg went on to define a â€Å"shared† mission statement of university foundations in general. This shared mission, securing gifts and grants, maximizing donor interest and commitment, and distribution of gifts to the university community, came from five specific mission statements which Greg then shared with the class. These individual mission statements while variable, all seemed to contain this shared definition within them even though they came from a variety of large public institutions. It would have been interesting to compare these with the mission of some smaller publics and also private institutions. Organizational Structure. Greg used a nice technique to discuss the organization structures of university foundations. Instead of just showing several examples, he asked the class to take a look at two universities which he had outlined some basic characteristics such as enrollment, location, cost of tuition, age of institution and endowment. He then asked us how we thought each of their foundations would be organized. It was a good tactic to make us think about what factors might affect the organization of a foundation and why. He went on to give details and his own explanation of why the foundations were organized the way they were. Funding and Financial Concerns. Next Greg discussed how the university foundation is typically funded. He explained that the foundation typically has five funding streams, endowment management fees, unrestricted gifts, gift fee, investment income fee, and a university services fee.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Point of View Essay

His mother attends these classes to reduce her high blood pressure. He escorts her there every week because she refuses to take the bus alone since integration. His mother is extremely prejudice and Julian was the total opposite. In Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter this story is about the life of Mrs. Dutta, an old, widowed Indian woman who had moved into her son’s American home two months prior. Mrs. Dutta struggles with not running a house and in the midst is writing a letter to a dear friend back home contemplating weather to be truthful or to be honorable to her family. First I would like to review witch point of view is being used both stories. For the first short story Everything That Rises Must Converge, the story is being told from a third person point of view. The story has someone who is not any of the characters stating the events that are happening or events that had happened. Also the third person point of view is giving the dialog between and among characters. In this quote from the story it is evident that it is being told from a third person point of view â€Å"She said this every time he took her to the reducing class. (Burroway) This narrative persona is in fact close to the story because it knows how the characters in the story are feeling as well as their individual thoughts. For example â€Å"It gave him a certain satisfaction to see injustice in daily operation. † (Burroway) For this specific story the Implied author does not seem to be close to the narrative persona. It is not evident who is actually telling the story and its’ events. The story is not told in past tense which would imply that Julian was the one in fact telling the story. For Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter this is also told form a third person point of view. We can see that the story is not being told by any of the characters, and it shows the emotions and actions of everyone in the story. The narrative persona for this story is more close to Mrs. Dutta then other characters as the story mainly revolves around how Mrs. Dutta is feeling and her actions. The narrative persona shows a glimpse of the other characters emotions while focusing on Mrs. Dutta. â€Å"Mrs. Dutta, who had never, through forty-two years of marriage, addressed Sagar’s father by name tried not to wince. † (Borroway)Both stories are similar by the fact that they have the same type of narrative persona. In other stories such as What You Pawn I Will Redeem this is coming from a first person narrative. The story is being told by the main character and he knows little about the other emotions felt by other characters. For Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter the distance would seem to be closer as the reader knows each of the characters’ feelings and their emotions. Secondly, we can review of the types of irony that is being used for each story. Every story has its individual way of conveying a message to its readers. Irony is a way for the story to indicate an intention of that which is happening in the story. In Everything That Rises Must Converge the type of irony that is being used is dramatic irony. In the story we can see that when Julian’s mother gets hit by the African American women Julian doesn’t think it is a big deal. He repeatedly tells his mother to get up and that is what she deserved. Not knowing in fact that she was unconscious, non responsive, and possibly dead. In Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter this story would also have dramatic irony. In this story the family does not know that Mrs. Dutta is rather unhappy living with her son in America. Mrs. Dutta always tries to hide her true feelings from her family, and is reluctant to tell the truth to her best friend in India, but the reader knows Mrs. Dutta’s true feelings. Also we can see how the voice affects the plot of each story. Since both Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter have a similar voice, the plots in both stories are affected almost the same way. With the voice being from a third person point of view the reader is able to know the qualities of each character. In Everything That Rises Must Converge knowing both emotions for Julian and his mother, we are able to see both sides of what they are thinking. This helps with knowing the actions that might take place next and also to know why the character responded in such a way. Julian’s mother is very prejudice, and since the reader is able to know her feeling we can see why Julian acted the way he did when he saw an African American man get on the bus. In Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter knowing Mrs. Dutta’s feeling about living with her son we can see why she is reluctant to share that information with her best friend as she thinks it would be un-honorable. We can also see that the feeling is mutual with her son’s wife. This explains the harsh attitude against Mrs. Dutta and Mrs. Dutta’s need to hide things from the family. In both stories the plot is mostly linear. In both stories you have the characters going though time as normal with few flash backs of the characters past. In Everything That Rises Must Converge Julian and his mother get on a bus to get to the YMCA, and there was only the flash back of when Julian remembers his Grandfather’s house. In Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter it goes through Mrs. Dutta’s daily routine but she has flash backs of when she lived in India. With both stories having a third person point of view, you have the narrative person telling most of the characters emotions rather than showing how they react to situations Lastly we can assess the themes of both stories, and how they are affected by the voice. With the voice being close to the characters in both stories, we can see how different situations may arise. The theme of Everything That Rises Must Converge is about the act of rebelling. The voice shows how Julian makes different ideas up in his mind for ways to rebel against his mother. In Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter the theme in the story is the many differences between traditional Indians and modern Indians living in America and the conflict that this cultural divide can create. The voice shows the constant emotional battle the Mrs. Dutta has with herself and her daughter-in-law. With in both of these short stories we can see how a similar voice and point of view can be used for two completely different works. The voice and point of view are made to portray a cretin way to the reader.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Please tell us how you spent your most recent summer vacation

I spent most of my last summer (2007) traveling around Europe’s architectural sites and familiarizing myself with two important design softwares: Photoshop and Illustrator.Since the summer was to be the last one to spend as a family, my parents and I decided to take a vacation of my choice, of which I choose Europe because of the continent’s wealth of historical and architectural heritage. I have always been fascinated by the cultural history of the continent’s architectural sites.The first place to visit was Rome. It was amazing to the Roman Coliseum whose size architecture and appearance is just a beauty to be reckoned with; I felt so privileged to have seen this great piece of art. Irrigations pipes and channels built during the days of the Roman Empire were also great pieces of dazzling architecture I was privileged to see.The second city to visit was Paris, France. One of the dazzling sites was the Mona Lisa, but I was dazzled to see that the picture is smal ler than expected. It is widely said that a picture could be more than a thousand words; the Mona Lisa is worth more than those words and more than thousand times its sheer size.This little-yet-widely-famous picture is recessed in the gallery, protected by thick glasses, Mona Lisa’s smile, small eyes and her androgynous features is a site for any art lover to stare and admire.While still in France, we had a chance to visit Venice whose water transportation system and the beautiful voice that many of the Gondola drivers are just amazing sites. I spent the latter part of my summer learning how to use Adobe Photoshop and illustrator. The skills I developed, steady hands and strong concentration, will make it easy to deal with design classes at NYU.#2) Describe a trait or characteristic that has been passed along to you by your family. Tell us why you like or dislike this part of yourself.My home nickname is â€Å"silent but deadly†. â€Å"Silent† is from my father and â€Å"deadly† from my late mother. I like the combinations of these two names because it makes me feel as if my parents are in me at all times. My father is a successful executive in Hong Kong and has exemplified greater leadership skills that I have been associated with the character traits I borrowed from him.Indeed, I find myself becoming a leader like my father. I have already started developing those skills through participation in group activities both in my neighborhood and in school; I have served as leader in several extracurricular activities throughout my education career. The listening skills that I got from my father have enabled me to be attentive to others as well as being tolerant to colleagues’ opinions.My mother was a great philanthropist, perfectionist, full of grace, caring, attentive, understanding, and a-people-person. She was also charismatic, investigative and a straight talker. She was a thoughtful person who would never take stand or decis ion on something before undertaking some thoughtful process. The resulting decisions would have been final; she stood to what she believed-in.These characteristics have made me an individual who is interested with other people in the society. Being a blend of two talented individuals has made a big contribution to the person I am today. Sharpening the combination of two individuals to NYU is one of the goals I want to achieve. I am also planning two use the skills I have developed from my parents legacy to make a contribution in NYU’s community.#3) New York City is an essential element of academic and cultural life at NYU. If you could start a club or service organization at NYU, what would it be and how would you envision it impacting the larger community.I plan to make a contribution to NYU and NYC through the establishment of a Chinese club that will enable members of the community to learn about Chinese ways of life. The club will for instance help NYU community members l earn mandarin and Chinese calligraphy that are increasingly becoming popular worldwide.Other activities of the club would include opera and water painting. All NYU community members would be welcome in the club, even if they are not of Chinese origin. This is because the club’s intention is to teach and learn from others. Incase there exists other clubs of this sort, I shall join them and make my contribution from there. The Chinese club will make a pint of joining hands with other cultural organizations in the NYU and with NYC to celebrate different cultures.This shall be achieved through celebrations and carnivals at different calendar dates. Taking advantage of New York City as the melting port of world cultures will be the greatest help that NYU will provide this club; members shall be able to understand different people through learning and teaching activities. In addition, the club shall embark on helping people of different cultures to cope with the fast paced NYC-life .This shall be achieved through the network of friendship that will have been established through association with other clubs within the college and New York City itself. To ensure that information about the club reaches a wider group of audience, the club shall establish a website where all its activities will be posted, including materials to teach language and calligraphy.#4) You have been selected to sing in a talent show. What song would you choose? Why?I would definitely sing Whitney Houston’s â€Å"I Will Always Love You†; it reminds me of pleasant memories and has cultivated sense of making use of opportunities I find on my growth process. I first came across this song when I was watching the movie, â€Å"The Bodyguard† with my parents.   It was a very interesting movie. Like most of the love stories, this talked about a Bodyguard fell in love with his client, Whitney Houston.   Unlike many other movies, this movie is very special because it incorpo rates several music soundtracks.However, Whitney Houston’s â€Å"I Will Always Love You† stood out from the rest because it was my mother’s favorite song and. Lyrics, too, are very touchy and meaningful.   I love the lyrics of the song because it speaks a lot of the feelings I have for my mother.   Even though it has almost been 8 years since her death, â€Å"I will always love you† provides me with fresh memories of her.   In terms of musical quality, I love the arrangement, mainly because of the many instruments that were used: such as piano, guitar, drum, and last but not least the saxophone.The saxophone part comes in the chorus; it heightens the overall emotion quality of the song.   I love this song and it is one of my all-time favorites. Because of the fresh memories that the song provides, I have always looked forward to saying â€Å"I Will Always Love You† to people and places; I for instance said it when I left Europe’s arc hitectural sites. I would therefore feel obliged to sing the song at NYU, because the opportunity of studying there will leave a lasting impact in my life.#5) Please tell us what led you to select your anticipated academic program and/or NYU school/college, and what interests you most about your intended discipline.I am applying to the College of Arts and Science at New York University and hopefully major in the field of East Asian Studies, focus of study being: Chinese and Japanese Tradition†. Though I am born and raised in a Chinese family, I attended International School from 5th Grade onwards.The International School, provided me with the opportunity to study European, American, Native-Indian, African, Indian history and many more.   However, little of Chinese history of art was taught. This has left me with great urge of learning the history and art of my country; which is the reason why I intend to study at NYU. It is unfortunate that I have no answers when my friends from the States ask about Chinese histories, cultural rituals and many more.However, reading â€Å"China: Its History and Culture†, written by W. Scott Morton has provided me with great foundation for learning Chinese history.   It was not after reading the book that had a very understanding about the Chinese culture and values.   I think it is never too late to learn about something, especially something that is as meaningful and interesting as the history of my root, the place that I am born in.   I started looking for a transfer and NYU came across my mind.The strong faculty that NYU has will help me excel in this specific field of study.   NYU has many resources and opportunity to offer that no other university can provide. In addition, NYU’s liberal arts education will provide me with and opportunity to learn about other areas of study apart from East Asian studies.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay on High School and Life

Essay on High School and Life Essay on High School and Life Introduction Since my tenth grade year of high school which was in August 2010-2011 I came to the conclusion that I wanted to attend college. Even though I played around my freshman year which was the most important year and counted the most I had to work hard on becoming the woman I wanted to be. After hearing so many people get put down about not going to college and being told that I wasn’t gone go to college neither I chose to prove everyone wrong. I started filling out college applications, scholarships, and many other aspects that would help me stay on the right track. I planned on going to college, studying sociology to become a social worker. After my high school year I decided to attend East Tennessee State University where I would accomplish my dreams. My mother always told me prove everybody wrong so that’s what I chose to do having that kind of mind frame made me think about hard work and dedication all the time. Hi, my name is Alicia Watkins also known as Beddy; I was b orn April 28 1995 in Chattanooga TN at Erlanger Hospital. I have three Sisters, two brothers, and several Nieces and nephews. I am the Youngest out of my brothers and sisters. As a little girl I have always wanted to be many things in life from modeling, dancer, singer, teacher, and etc. As I grew up I thought about which one would benefit me later on in life. My Parents told me do what you think is best for you baby girl and whatever makes you happy. Now that, I am at the point in life were I know what I want to do and have that certain mindset no one can tell me anything. I have accomplished my most important goal in life and that’s making me proud right along with my parents. At the age of 17 I Became a part time model and took modeling classes at Ambiance Talent & Modeling. After I Took modeling classes I built up me an Modeling portfolio so that I could send it off to different agency. Once that was done I had to choose between modeling or college I didn’t really know which one to choose because I wanted to do both but, at the same time I didn’t want no one judging me and down talking me because I didn’t attend college. My struggle began in Chattanooga TN, when my auntie died at a early age because of a bad heart attack, and my cousins were left under the care of our grandmother. Growing up I had a father figure in my life so it wasn’t that difficult. My mother strived hard to make ends meet just to provide for our needs. My mother and father income was enough. Even though it was enough my sisters got a job at the age of fifteen an fifteen, I had got a job at the age of fifteen to take care some of my own responsibilities to look out for myself. Both of my parents raised us my father was a producer and member of 2DieForEntertainment. My parents taught me how to stand up and fight. My family is the closest thing to me. Now I am seventeen years old and I would like to be the first in my family to attend a four year colleg e pursuing a degree in Sociology. During the struggle of the loss we had took our family was still standing strong, keeping they head up but still hurting in the inside. In my teenage years I started to realize a lot of things. I was working at New City Fellowship being an assistant coach for two years to help care of responsibilities. Although the money I earned was not significant it was enough for me to pay for things I needed and consequently ease some pressure off my mother. After school, I stayed and made up wok so my grades would be accurate. Life became difficult in those days. We could barely live peacefully in our Woodlawn Apartments things wasn’t so good living out there. We heard gun shots every night, fights were every other day, and there were drug addicts walking up and down the street. So we shifted from one place to another. My parents depended on nobody. As I sat down and thought about things I

Monday, November 4, 2019

Describe the company's organizational architecture - Bayer company Essay

Describe the company's organizational architecture - Bayer company - Essay Example Bayer Company is a worldwide enterprise, which has foundational competences and core influence in the fields of high tech materials, agriculture, and health care (Ali, 2009:62). Being an inventor firm, Bayer sets trends in areas that require intensive research (Tupper, 2011:55). It designs its products to benefit people as well as improve their quality of life. This paper will seek to Bayer Company organizational architecture. It will assess the current architecture and ratify it if appropriate or recommend for another if not suitable. Organizational architecture talks about the spatial surroundings on the mind, behavior, and health of the people in and around an organization. This is an area dominated by the perspective of inter-discipline as it draws it conclusions from architecture, organization, management in addition to knowledge obtained from spatial science, social medicine, and environmental psychology (Williams, 2011:63). Success of an organizational architecture depends on or is attributable to the quality of management practices while operating or the skills employed when designing the organization’s system. Characteristics of a successful system include its simplicity, acceptability, reliability, flexibility, and economy. The Bayer Group of companies aims at creating value through high earning power, growth, and innovation (Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research, & Proper, 2010: 33). The architectural design of Bayer Company indicates that it is flexible as every three subgroups operate independently. The other three service companies also function independently led by the holding company in management. This shows that Bayer Company values the aspect of common goals, values, and strategies making it flexible (Ali, 2009:83). An effective organization design does not need to be complicated. On contrary, organization design finds simplicity a highly desirable quality. Pertinently, think

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Security and Loss prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Security and Loss prevention - Essay Example On the same note, whoever counts the order should not sign it, but somebody else maybe from a different department should validate orders before and after packing. Surveillance cameras and mirrors should be put in place, and they must reflect all corners of the warehouse. If, by any means, employees manage to go through these traps, trucks must be properly supervised by packing them far from the warehouse, they remain closed until packing begins and they should be weighed before and after packing to confirm whether packed goods tally in weight with order particulars (Lunny 1993). According Lunny (1993), in order to prevent theft after closing the premises, the management should use several locks and entrust the keys with different personnel. The warehouse should have only one door and all cabbages must be removed and scrutinized during working hours as some employees might hide valuables there in order to retrieve them during disposal. After closing the premises, emergence doors should be closed from inside. The management should rotate security officers frequently especially during night shifts to curb any malicious collaborations. After closing, surveillance cameras should be set to record all movements to monitor suspects’