Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Monumental Changes Across the Globe in History

Monumental Changes across the Globe in History Since the beginning of time, all sorts of changes have occurred throughout the world. Changes in nature, in people, in cities, in countries, wars, politics, kingdoms, etc. Three significant major changes in history that occurred before 1500, that shaped the world were: the Neo-Lithic Revolution, Alexander the Great’s conquests, and the travels of Marco Polo. Firstly, the Neolithic Revolution is a great place to start in History because that is when the first major shift of among people’s way of life throughout the whole world occurs. It occurred approximately 10,000 years ago. Many hunter-gatherers turned into farmers because they saw it was a good†¦show more content†¦Darius, previously outwitted, tried a new, desperate strategy of trying to defeat Alexander, simply with as many men as he could gather. Unfortunately for Darius, the Hoplite Phalanx formation tore through his formations and made their way to him, so he fled the scene. Alexander and his Guard chased him in hot pursuit. After killing him, he claimed Darius made him successor to the Persian throne. Also known as Alexander’s greatest victory because this victory made him the Persian King of Kings, he had overthrown the known world’s greatest and most threatening empires (Persia), and had access to more troops and the land’s resources to co ntinue his campaign. This was the key victory that allowed Alexander to be virtually unstoppable and helped him further his campaign of conquering the known world! After taking over Persia, that opened up the pathway for many other territories that he eventually conquered, including: Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria, and Mesopotamia. He lastly challenged Punjab, India, only to turn back from lack of support/enthusiasm from his troops. Major keys to Alexander’s success were: his sheer daring, dogged determination, and because he did the unexpected (such as not waiting a day to start a battle, but attacking the Persians immediately, so they were caught off guard), the extreme loyalty/experience of his troops, and the strong military formation of the Hoplite Phalanx. After the known world wasShow MoreRelatedReligion Is A Very Diverse Centre Of Beliefs Essay1416 Words   |  6 Pagesactions and events in history on a monumental scale. Religion has created culture, countries, and most importantly, our morals. What defines religion is a spiritual belief that a group of people have. With all the good religion has created in this world, it’s like comparing 100 good deeds with their 100 bad counterparts, the good is always outweighed by evil. Religion is usually recognized with all the unnecessary death and bloodshed it has created throughout human history. 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