Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vietnamese Immigrants Face Simple Everyday Issues That

Vietnamese immigrants face simple everyday issues that may not cross one’s mind. My father, Phat Nguyen and mother, Xuan Nguyen, has endured the struggles of living in a completely foreign country, while not even knowing the language upon arrival. He had to leave his home country, culture, and family due to the Vietnam War. He â€Å"left pretty much everything except the clothes on our back and some Vietnamese money that is worthless in America.†(Nguyen 4). Additionally, he â€Å"didn’t even have a chance to grab any pictures† (Nguyen 4). He â€Å"[was] suddenly told [they] had to evacuate as soon as possible, but [they] had a few days to find what [they] wanted to bring and gather the family up† (Nguyen 4). Resulting from the Vietnam War, whole†¦show more content†¦Accordingly, the cost of transportation is directly linked to one’s income, impacting poorer families such as my father’s, who just came to America. This limits th eir ability to explore, run errands, and meet new people. Not having the ability to travel is a huge inconvenience because it is a constraint on their personal growth. Phat did not eat an abundance of meats and fatty foods in Vietnam, however he ate vegetables and chicken. When he came to America the main foods that were cheap and available were fatty foods, beef, and starches. â€Å"Our bodies aren’t use to the amount of meat, fat, and sugar we consume here, because back in Vietnam we bike everywhere and walk so we work all of the lean foods we eat, [however] when we come here, It’s all unhealthy and we drive everywhere so most of us† are unable to burn off the unhealthy foods we consumed resulting in us have diabetes (Nguyen 4). Equally important â€Å"[they] didn’t have lots milk back in Vietnam so [they] never drank it but here, everyone drinks it and [they] try to but our bodies aren’t use to it so [they] are mostly lactose intolerant†(Nguyen 4). In Vietnam they had several dietary differences that caused numerous very inconvenient problems such as: diabetes, lactose intolerance, and high cholesterol. Currently,â€Å"†¦with those living inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Microcultures in Canada7105 Words   |  29 Pageslook at Vietnamese, Jewish, and Vegan cultures and compare them to mainstream Canadian culture. The subsequent comparative analysis aims at finding differences in an attempt to better understand and communicate more effectively, by clarifying the common misunderstandings that arise when communicating with different microcultures, whether in business or everyday life. Vietnamese Background/History/Evolution Representing one of the largest non-European sub-cultures in Canada, the Vietnamese communityRead MoreEssay on Mcdonalds in Vietnam4753 Words   |  20 Pagesscenery of the beaches and islands on the South China Sea. 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American beliefs and values†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2.2. The Process of Americanization in American History†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..... 2.3. Different Views on Americanization †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter III The Mosaic of American Culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read More111135197X 38570 Essay example17696 Words   |  71 PagesOption A.) Exercise 5 (page 24) Children of immigrants who do not speak English often function more like adults than children. As a child of immigrant parents myself, I have often had to act as an adult. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Monumental Changes Across the Globe in History

Monumental Changes across the Globe in History Since the beginning of time, all sorts of changes have occurred throughout the world. Changes in nature, in people, in cities, in countries, wars, politics, kingdoms, etc. Three significant major changes in history that occurred before 1500, that shaped the world were: the Neo-Lithic Revolution, Alexander the Great’s conquests, and the travels of Marco Polo. Firstly, the Neolithic Revolution is a great place to start in History because that is when the first major shift of among people’s way of life throughout the whole world occurs. It occurred approximately 10,000 years ago. Many hunter-gatherers turned into farmers because they saw it was a good†¦show more content†¦Darius, previously outwitted, tried a new, desperate strategy of trying to defeat Alexander, simply with as many men as he could gather. Unfortunately for Darius, the Hoplite Phalanx formation tore through his formations and made their way to him, so he fled the scene. Alexander and his Guard chased him in hot pursuit. After killing him, he claimed Darius made him successor to the Persian throne. Also known as Alexander’s greatest victory because this victory made him the Persian King of Kings, he had overthrown the known world’s greatest and most threatening empires (Persia), and had access to more troops and the land’s resources to co ntinue his campaign. This was the key victory that allowed Alexander to be virtually unstoppable and helped him further his campaign of conquering the known world! After taking over Persia, that opened up the pathway for many other territories that he eventually conquered, including: Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria, and Mesopotamia. He lastly challenged Punjab, India, only to turn back from lack of support/enthusiasm from his troops. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Accounting Standards in the United States of America Free Essays

Accounting in the USA The following report will describe and discuss the major elements of accounting in the USA. It will show that the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are set by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), where as the International Accounting Standards (IAS) are set by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This report will also state the similarities and differences between these standards. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Standards in the United States of America or any similar topic only for you Order Now In addition, the following report will use relevant examples to evaluate current accounting problems and issues in the USA related to international convergence of accounting standards. Fargher et al. (2008, page. 67) pointed out that FASB’s conceptual framework (CFW) for financial reporting is generally consistent with that of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). However the FASB provides more detail with six statements of financial accounting concepts (SFACs). The first level in the CFW explains the main purposes of financial reports are to provide useful information for investors and creditors, to estimate future cash flows and to claim venture resources. The second level consists of qualitative characteristics and elements of the CFW. The qualitative characteristics of the USA CFW are relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency. The main components include assets, liabilities, equity, investment by owners, distributions to owners, comprehensive income, revenues, expenses, gains and losses. The third level of CFW indicates how the firm executes the events based on assumptions, principles and constraints. There are four assumptions: economic equity, going concern, monetary unit and periodicity. The four principles include historical cost, revenue recognition, matching and full disclosure. The constraints consist of cost-benefit, materiality, industry practice and conservatism. Fargher (2008, p. 229) mentioned that USA uses FASB 95 Statement of Cash Flows, plus FASB 102 and 104. The format is the same as the international one which includes operating, investing and financial activities. However, it is encouraged to report cash flows using the direct method even though the indirect method is usually used. Interest paid and received and dividends received are classified as operating activities. Non cash transactions are excluded from the cash flow statement. Fargher (2008, p. 89) stated that the income statement format under US GAAP involves a range of steps but the subtotals are listed before the unusual and rare items. Changes in retained earnings are included in the retained earnings statement and comprehensive income that reports changes in fair value and similar items after the operating income. Note disclosure is based on particular standards plus SEC and other sou rces under the US GAAP hierarchy. IFRS and US GAAP have some similarities but there are also several differences. The main similarities and differences are in the areas of revenue recognition and inventory valuation. A similarity between US GAAP and IFRS is that revenue is not recognised until the revenue is actually earned. Under the US GAAP, a large amount of guidance provided usually only applies to specific industries. For example, there are specific rules for the recognition of software revenue and sales of real estate under US GAAP, while comparable guidance does not exist under IFRS (Ernst Young 2010). Also, both systems define inventory as assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business. A significant difference between using US GAAP and IFRS is the inventory costing method is that US uses LIFO, whereas LIFO is prohibited by the IFRS. Also, inventory valuation is measured under the IFRS at lower of cost and net realizable value. However, under the US GAAP, inventory valuation is carried at the lower of cost and market, where the market is the current replacement cost (Ernst Young 2010). According to (Todd M. Hines 2007, p1) IFRSs are becoming more important in the global economy. â€Å"Over the last 35 years there has been a strong push towards the adoption of a uniform set of financial accounting standards to replace the myriad number of country-specific standards now in use†. This indicates that each country has developed its own sets of financial accounting standards. It is essential to work towards the uniformed international accounting standards for organisations doing business globally to have comparable information. As a result of this push for internationally recognised set of accounting standards, IFRS were created with the goal of providing a single internationally recognized set of accounting standards. In an ever increasingly globally connected world, more transactions and investment planning occur on a global level. As international convergence has progressed many countries have conformed under IFRS and adopted their standards. The USA has similar standards but continue to use different financial reporting standards. However these differences according to (Todd M. Hines 2007, p4) often ‘lead to confusion and large complications for preparers and users of financial statements’. Financial statements prepared under different reporting standards are hardly comparable, therefore overseas investors may not be able to compare between the financial reports of business under IFRS and those operating under US GAAP. This can lead to confusion and affect the judgments of financial statement users. Due to the difficulties in comparison the users of the financial information must understand both IFRS and GAAP to make informed decisions. Moving from US GAAP to IFRS will have a major impact on business’ financial reporting in the USA. Decisions made by managers, financial advisors, CEO’s, governments, and the users of financial statements will have to be drastically rethought with the change. If the USA decides to follow the convergence trend towards IFRS, they will be moving into a more volatile reporting environment, particularly in the reporting of assets as well as that of net profit. One alarming statistic is that the volatility of tax benefits, deferred tax benefits in particular, can be 98% more volatile under IFRS (McAnally, et. al. 2010). This increased volatility is due to the greater use of fair value in the preparation of the financial statements, and the eventual elimination of historical cost under IFRS. Fair values are used under IFRS to better reflect the changing economic conditions, but this introduces uncertainty and makes it much harder to predict reported earnings than under historical cost, which the USA uses. Although fair value is more relevant, often it is not reliable due to the influence of economic conditions on the valuation of assets. This increased volatility will lead to retraining in every area of accounting. With the change to IFRS, there will be a large amount of rethinking and retraining for areas such as financial planning and forecasting as well as in target setting, but the major area it will affect is the reporting of financial statements. Another issue regarding the convergence of the USA to the IFRS accounting standards is the effect it will have on IT systems. As the adoption of IFRS starts to gain momentum among many counties, global business will be dealing with major changes over the next few years. According to Pratt (2010), not only are private companies considering the IFRS, but also public companies including banks and private investors who also have growing concerns about the implication of the convergence. This adoption of IFRS by the USA will bring about several changes in the way recording and reporting financial data is carried out. This is due to the differences between IFRS and U. S. GAAP standards. It has been found that there are 103 differences between IFRS and U. S. GAAP in the way recording of data happens. Management in the performance and technology division of KPMG suggests that the change to IFRS will drastically affect the accounting IT systems in the USA (Pratt, 2010). One of the major concerns for the USA is that under IFRS the financial data needed to keep IT systems up to date will have to be more detailed and more frequent. It is also believed that the financial reporting ledger will be affected by adopting IFRS. Pratt (2010) claimed the US needs to ‘[m]ake sure that the new system accommodates IFRS if [companies] are planning to upgrade the system. ’ This will mean more money will need to be diverted from other key functions and into the development and upgrading of IT systems. With the major push for convergence, the USA needs to critically evaluate the effect that their move to IFRS may have on their IT systems and the software they use. Also, U. S. companies will need to become familiar with the new systems and technology before the change in order to keep up with international competitors. The major elements of the USA include the conceptual framework, financial reports, revenue recognition and inventory. Taking problems and issues into account, our group concludes that the convergence of the USA to IFRS would benefit both, the global economy and the USA. Although problems with financial reporting, volatility, retraining and IT systems may arise, converging to international standards will allow users to have easy comparisons between companies and greater transparency. In conclusion, we feel it is beneficial for the USA to converge to international standards so that there are a set of global standards for all companies to follow. Word Count: 1491 BIBLIOGAPHY Books Fargher, N, Wise, V, Kieso, DE, Weygand, JJ Warfield, TJ 2008, Fundamentals of Intermediate accounting, John Wiley Sons Australia, Milton. Websites Ernst Young, 2010, Revenue Recognition, viewed 29 September 2011, Ernst Young, 2010, Inventory, viewed 29 September 2011, L. Gordon Crovitz. 2008 (September 8). Closing the Information GAAP, viewed 29 September 2011. lt; http://online. wsj. com/article/SB122083366235408621. html Mary E. Barth. 2004. Fair Values and Financial Statement Volatility, viewed 29 September. Journal Articles Todd M. Hines 2007 ‘International Financial Reporting Standards: A Guide to Sources for International Accounting Standards’; Journal of Business Finance Librarianship, Vol. 12(3), p. 1-8 McAnally, M, McGuire, S, Weaver, C 2010, ‘Assessing t he Financial Reporting Consequences of Conversion to IFRS: The Case of Equity-Based Compensation’, Accounting Horizons, Vol 24 (4), p. 589-621 Gornik-Tomaszewski, S 2003, ‘Short-Term Convergence Between US GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards’, Bank Accounting Finance (08943958), Vol 16 (5), p. 39-42 Tarca, A 2004, ‘International Convergence of Accounting Practices: Choosing between IAS and US GAAP’, Journal of International Financial Management Accounting, Vol 15 (1), pp. 60-91 Pratt, MK 2010, ‘GET READY FOR GLOBAL ACCOUNTING’, Computerworld, Vol 44 (3), p. 21-23 Laux, C. Leuz, C 2009. ‘The crisis of fair-value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate’. Accounting, Organizations and Society. V 34 (6-7), p. 826-834 How to cite Accounting Standards in the United States of America, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Leadership and Management Psychological Relationship

Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Management for Psychological Relationship. Answer: Part A Identification and Assessment of the Needs of the Customers: As commented by Lewis (2013), exercise and fitness has now certain psychological relationship with dressing style of an individual. Everyone wants to look good when it comes to fitness and as a result they pay more attention to their dressing. Research has shown that a kind of athletic look has inspired the fitness freaks to dress in a way that portray their effort towards fitness. If the recent trend has to be considered, leggings have been used by the female gym goers. It has been observed that major clothing brands like Zara, that are not in the business of fitness clothes or gym wear are also making approach to launch clothes for athletes or other fitness lovers (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Satisfying the expectations of customers, in terms of: Quality: It has to be understood that gym wear is something that an individual wears on a regular basis just like a uniform. Therefore, maintaining good quality of the material of the costume is indeed important. Time: Coming up with a detailed manufacturing plan and meeting with the demand of the consumers in the market within 6 months of time is feasible. Cost: The price of the product has to be fixed on the basis of the price of other competitors. However, researches have shown that people are often found to spend good amount of money on fitness clothes and shoes if they find it comfortable and fashionable for themselves. Therefore, it is recommended that there shall be different ranges of products available for different consumers. Methods of Identification of Trends in the Market: In order to understand the recent market trend, the most effective way is to understand it from the consumers themselves. An online survey or directly interviewing people to understand their point of view might be fruitful for understanding the needs of the customers (Darkooti, Esmaeilzadeh and Davin 2015). Moreover, keeping pace with the recent fashion trends by following sports magazines or consumers needs and expectation can give idea about the recent trends and the liking of the consumers. A good eye on the competitors product has to be kept and coming up with products that can compete with the existing product is the right approach of understanding the trend of the market. Method to Ensure Delivery of Products within Organization: Monitoring the delivery of the product is the primary requirement to ensure delivery of products. There should be an individual who has to be assigned with a particular responsibility of monitoring the delivery of the product. A separate and distinct position should be allotted to an individual for the monitoring purpose. The dealers and the suppliers are to be monitored properly and it has to be make ensured that the products are delivered on time (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Products can be delivered in a bulk to the dealers who can sell the products in exclusive stores. Apart from this, online delivering and shopping option always remain a convenient method of delivering products to the consumers. Explanation of Monitoring Team Performance: In order to make the performance of the employees effective, it is important to monitor their activities. Every employee needs to be monitored and an account has to be kept of the daily performance of the employees. Most importantly, it is required to make an action plan of the complete procedure of exporting and manufacturing the products. It is based on the performance review necessary actions can be taken to improve the situation as required (Darkooti, Esmaeilzadeh and Davin 2015). If required, the employees can be trained as well. Proper training or teaching them in the right way can help to overcome the situation if any kind of fault is recognized in the activities of the employees. Evaluation and Monitoring Own Performance: The best way to monitor self performance is to set the target for a particular day and then make necessary plans to carry out the activity to accomplish the target of the day. Making a step by step plan of the things to do and then following the same step wise will definitely make the things better. Every situation might lead to certain things that act as a learning guide (Lewis 2013). It is important to understand the requirement of the situation and act accordingly. Researching on self and coming up with plans to monitor the performance of self can be the best way to self-monitor. Better Learning Opportunities to Improve Performance: It is evident that at the time of carrying out any kind of activity, an individual comes across any kind of situation that helps the person to understand their role or performance. To improve the performance, it is important tom understand the demand and needs by putting oneself in the customers shoes (Balajade, Dana and Rezaeishirazi 2014). If the particular product is designed by the means of understanding the perspective of the consumers, then there remains a better opportunity of getting fruitful result. Getting feedback from the customers and then working on the same factors to improve the business condition is indeed the primary means of improving the business and the products of the company. Assisting Team Members to meet Customer Service Standard: The most effective way of understanding the needs of the customers is by directly communicating with them. In order to achieve this, it is recommended to conduct a survey among the target groups of people. Asking people about their choice and expectation would definitely help to understand the needs of the customers that can finally help to come with such products that will meet the requirement of the consumers (Grigali?nait? and Pilelien? 2013). Again, getting updated with recent trends by following recent magazines or news where the trends and liking of people are narrated. It is on the basis of complete evaluation, the product shall be designed. CommunicationSkill to be used: The best way of communicating with the team members and assisting them in the right way is by the means of addressing each employee personally. Therefore, interpersonal communication with the employees can be effective. Face to face communication or carrying out a detailed meeting with the employees by addressing the issues can be effective (Hwang and Ng 2013). In this respect, it can be said that leadership quality plays an important role. As a manger, it is important to follow up with the needs of the employees and communicate with them as per necessity. Part B: Impact of laws on business: Anti-discrimination law: The gym products and equipment should be designed for all irrespective of any kind of biasness related to particular race or religion. The model or the face for the company might be someone belonging to different ethnic groups (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). Australian Consumer Law: The Company must be responsible enough to deal with the complaints of the consumers in case if there is any kind of faulty products are found (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). If the consumers are ready to pay for the particular product, the Company shall give worthy product. Industry codes of Practice: The Company has to deal with good standard with the dealers and suppliers of the product. All kinds of documents should be checked and rechecked before making any kind business. Work, health safety: Employees who are responsible for the manufacturing process should be kept under utter guidance and care. In case, if there is any kind of hazardous situation then the management should take proper measurement to overcome the crisis. Ethical principles: The Company should carry out all the activities with basic ethical guidelines. There should be truthfulness and justification in their prime business or manufacturing activities (Rue, Byars and Ibrahim 2012). Importance of Public Relations and Product Promotion Any kind of activity that is focused to involve public good helps to enhance the image of the company. Public Relation acts as a tool for promotion. It has to be understood that the major aim of the Company is to launch a new product and as viewed by Berman et al. 2015, public relation is most effective in case of launch of new product or repositioning a product. For a renowned company like Colesworths, if they carry out any public relation activity, it will have positive impact towards their other products as well. Public relation will create a positive image in the market that shall help to attract more consumers. There are numerous evidences when an organization has used Public Relation as an approach to promote their product or improve the image of the organization. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR activities always prove to be fruitful for an organization (Certo and Certo 2013). Therefore, it is also recommended that in order to compete with the competitors in the market, Colesworths might come up with better Public relations activities that shall help them to approach the target group of people and increase the sale of the products. Reference List: Balajade, M.H., Dana, A. and Rezaeishirazi, R., 2014. The Relationship between Service Quality and Loyalty of Sports Customer.Research Journal of Sport Sciences,2(2), pp.55-59. Berman, E.M., Bowman, J.S., West, J.P. and Van Wart, M.R., 2015.Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage Publications. Certo, S.C. and Certo, S.T., 2013.Modern management: Concepts and skills. Pearson Higher Ed. Darkooti, A., Esmaeilzadeh, M.R. and Davin, H.F., 2015. The relationship of business intelligence of managers in fitness club of Mashhad with the rate of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Fransen, K., Van Puyenbroeck, S., Loughead, T.M., Vanbeselaere, N., De Cuyper, B., Broek, G.V. and Boen, F., 2015. Who takes the lead? Social network analysis as a pioneering tool to investigate shared leadership within sports teams.Social Networks,43, pp.28-38. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Pearson. Grigali?nait?, V. and Pilelien?, L., 2013. GYMSservice quality evaluation in Kaunas city.Lase Journal of Sport Science is a Scientific Journal published two times per year in Sport Science LASE Journal for sport scientists and sport experts/specialists, p.98. Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges.International Journal of Project Management,31(2), pp.272-284. Lewis, S., 2013. An Online Customer Service Survey to Determine Current Levels of Customer Satisfaction at a Cross Fit Gym. Rue, L., Byars, L. and Ibrahim, N., 2012.Management: Skills Application. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.